Decomposition mathematical programming system 分解数学程序设计系统
This paper combines mathematical programming principle and calculation of power flow, and the combination is effective to solve the problem of power flow in the faulted power system. 带有最优乘子的牛顿法潮流计算是数学规划原理和牛顿法潮流计算的结合.能有效地解决病态电力系统的潮流计算问题。
By means of decomposition theorem, we discuss fuzzy programming for bi-level linear programming with fuzzy numbers in common constraint functions and apply fuzzy mathematical programming approach to obtain the solution of the system under certain satisfactory degree. 以分解定理为依据,讨论了约束中含有模糊数的双层线性规划的解法,并应用模糊数学规划的方法得到了该系统在一定置信水平下的满意解。
Against the limitation of the traditional mathematical programming to deal with the transit network system optimization, a simulation optimization model based on the tabu search algorithm was designed. 针对传统数学规划方法处理公共交通网络系统优化存在的局限性,设计了一种基于禁忌算法的仿真优化模型。
The mathematical programming model of optimization organization unit is built by quantifying the cost of technique, manpower and organization. This model is subject to the interaction between the technical system and social system. 通过对技术、人力、组织成本的量化,并将技术系统与社会系统的相互作用转化为约束条件,构建了最优组织单元的数学规划模型。
A Simplified Mathematical Model and Optimum Programming of Parameters for the Intake System 进气系统的简化数学模型与参数的优化程序
Applying the environment engineering, system engineering and mathematical programming, this paper makes a detailed research into the related problem of the water reuse system planning integrated with water supply and drainage system. 本文运用环境工程、系统工程和数学规划的原理和方法,将中水系统纳入城市给排水系统进行综合优化,对所涉及到的有关问题进行了详细的研究。
The problem of route selection of the packets in networks is studied based on the viewpoint of fuzzy mathematical programming and system optimization in this paper. 本文基于模糊数学规划及系统优化的观点研究了分组交换网络中分组路径的选择问题。
Based on mathematical programming of production scheduling problem, a virtual-reality ( VP) optimal scheduling system is proposed and the methods of system analysis and design are proposed also. 给出了流程工业拟实优化调度系统框架及其系统分析设计方法。
A mathematical programming model of multiple targets optimized reliability is established, by which a quantitative analytical method for the system is set up. 为信息资源共享系统可靠性建立了定量分析方法。
A mathematical model of dual-objective programming was developed, in which a number of thermal parameters of exhaust gas boiler-turbogenerator system were taken as design variables and investment cost and net electrical power output of the system were taken as two objective ejections. 在建立的多目标优化模型中,将余热锅炉&汽轮发电机组的主要热力参数作为设计变量,选取系统造价和输出电功率作为两个目标函数。
On the basis of the division of typologic districts, various mathematical models of resource arrangment for some typical counties and countrysides have been established by utilizing the mathematical method of linear programming, system dynamics, forecast technology, comprehensive evaluation and so on. 在类型划分的基础上,采用线性优化、系统动力学、综合评价等多种数学方法,分别建立典型县乡的各级各类农业资源配置数学模型。
A mathematical model and its algorithm have been established by applying nonlinear convex programming and reliability theory. The formulae for calculating reliability design for the transport system are obtained, which provide information for diagnosis and prediction of reliability. 应用非线性凸规划及可靠性理论,建立了采区运输系统可靠度冗余设计的数学模型及其算法,得到了该系统冗余设计量的计算公式,提供了可靠度水平的诊断和预测信息。
In combination with mathematical programming, Hilbert-Huang transform ( HHT) was used in multi-freedom degree system ( MFDS) to identify the system parameters. 将HHT(Hilbert-HUANGTRANSFORM)方法与数学规划方法相结合,用于时变多自由度系统的参数识别。
To develop processing sequences for the parts in cells, two nonlinear mathematical programming models of the problem are proposed respectively with the objective of minimizing the flow time and tardiness penalty in a cellular manufacturing system. 分别以最小化单元制造系统的总生产时间和拖期惩罚为目标,对单元内设备上的零部件进行生产调度,提出了该问题的非线性数学规划模型,开发了针对该问题的分散搜索算法。
The method of modeling analysis by mathematical programming is often carried out in the research of oil refining production system. 对炼油生产系统的研究中,通常采用数学规划法进行建模分析。
The tendon optimization model is established by the mathematical programming method. Also the system of the tendon arrangement and the drawing system of construction blueprint of tendon are established by the object-oriented technology and the programming method. 论文通过数学规划手段建立预应力钢束优化模型、运用面向对象技术与编程方法建立了布束系统与预应力施工图纸绘制系统。